How Long to Walk 3km (By Age, Time & Gender)

If you’re planning on walking 3km, you might be wondering how long it will take you to complete the distance. The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as your walking speed, terrain, and level of fitness.

Most people walk at a moderate pace of around 4kph suggesting the average time to walk 3km is 45 minutes. However, this time can change depending on your intensity/speed, age, weight and fitness levels.

How Long Does it Take to Walk 3km By Age

The time it takes to walk 3km can vary depending on your walking speed. If you’re a slow walker, it might take you closer to 45 minutes to complete the distance. On the other hand, if you’re a fast walker, you might be able to cover the 3km in closer to 30 minutes.

In addition to your walking speed and terrain, other factors that can impact how long it takes you to walk 3km include weather conditions and any stops you make along the way.

The table below gives you a good estimate for how long it takes to walk 3km by your age and gender.

Average Time to Walk 3 km By Age (Males)

AgeAverage Time to Walk
3km (Male)
15 -2000:35:45

Average Time to Walk 3 km By Age (Females)

AgeAverage Time to Walk
3km (Females)
15 -2000:37:18

Flat Vs Incline 3km Walking Time

If you are wondering how long it takes to walk 3KM, the answer depends on several factors, such as your walking speed, the terrain, and your fitness level.

Flat Terrain

If you are walking on a flat terrain, you can cover 3KM in about 30 to 45 minutes. The average walking speed on flat terrain is about 5 to 6 kilometers per hour or 3.1 to 3.7 miles per hour. However, your walking speed may vary depending on your fitness level and walking experience.


Walking uphill or downhill can affect your walking speed and time. If you are walking uphill, your speed may slow down, and it may take you longer to cover the 3KM distance. On the other hand, if you are walking downhill, your speed may increase, and you may cover the distance faster.

If you are walking on an incline, it may take you about 45 to 60 minutes to cover the 3KM distance. The average walking speed on an incline is about 4 to 5 kilometers per hour or 2.5 to 3.1 miles per hour.

It is essential to note that your walking speed may vary depending on your fitness level, age, and health condition. If you are new to walking or have any health concerns, it is advisable to start slow and gradually increase your walking speed and distance.

The average time to walk 3 km depends on several factors, such as your walking speed, the terrain, and your fitness level. Walking is a great way to stay active and healthy, and it is essential to find a pace that works for you and your body.

Factors Affecting Walking Time

When it comes to walking 3km, there are several factors that can affect how long it takes you to complete the distance. These factors include the terrain, your walking speed, and your stride. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.


The terrain you are walking on can have a significant impact on how long it takes you to walk 3km. If you are walking on flat, even ground, you will likely be able to complete the distance more quickly than if you are walking on rough, uneven terrain. Additionally, if you are walking uphill or downhill, this will also affect your walking time.

Walking Speed

Your walking speed is another important factor to consider when determining how long it will take you to walk 3km. The average walking speed for adults is around 3-4 miles per hour, or 4.8-6.4 kilometers per hour. However, your walking speed may be faster or slower depending on your fitness level, age, weight, height, and sex.

The table below gives you the average times it takes to walk 3km at different speeds. It can be difficult to calculate your speed unless you use a walking App or have a GPS-tracking fitness watch. Additionally, you can walk on a treadmill because it’s easier to maintain a pace for longer periods.

Speed in kmIntensity LevelAverage Time to Walk
3km in Minutes
2.4kphVery Slow75.00
5.6kphVery Brisk31.29
7.2kphVery Fast25.30


Your stride length can also affect how long it takes you to walk 3km. If you have a longer stride, you will be able to cover more ground with each step, which means you may be able to complete the distance more quickly. However, if you have a shorter stride, it may take you longer to cover the same distance.

When it comes to walking 3km, several factors can affect how long it takes you to complete the distance. These factors include the terrain, your walking speed, and your stride length.

By taking these factors into account, you can get a better idea of how long it will take you to walk 3km and adjust your walking plan accordingly.

Is a 3km Walk in 30 Minutes Good?

Walking 3km in 30 minutes is considered an intermediate speed and above average for fitness and exercise levels. To maintain a walking speed under 30 minutes, you would need to walk at a pace of 6.4kph, which is deemed a fast walking speed.

However, this can still depend on other factors like age, weight and intensity. Similarly, your pace will be different if you walk for leisure rather than fitness. If your goal is to lose weight and improve your cardiovascular system, then walking 3km in 30 minutes is perfect.

3km in 30 minutes would be considered a good time for someone who:

  • Is starting to get fit
  • Wants to improve their aerobic fitness
  • Is looking to burn some extra calories
  • Wants to lose weight in a safe way
  • Isn’t ready for higher impact exercise like running or jogging

Calculating Walking Time

Walking is a great way to stay active and healthy. If you are planning to walk a distance of 3km, you might be wondering how long it will take you to complete the walk. There are different methods you can use to calculate walking time, and we will explore some of them in this section.

Using a Calculator

One of the easiest ways to calculate walking time is to use a calculator. You can use a simple formula to determine how long it will take you to walk 3km. The formula is:

Walking time = Distance ÷ Walking speed

To use this formula, you need to know your walking speed. The average walking speed for an adult is about 5km/h. If you walk at this speed, it will take you about 36 minutes to walk 3km. However, if you walk faster or slower than the average speed, you will need to adjust the formula accordingly.


Another way to calculate walking time is to use a GPS device or a smartphone app. These devices and apps can track your walking speed and distance, and calculate your walking time automatically.

This method is more accurate than using a calculator, as it takes into account your actual walking speed and any breaks you take during the walk.

Using a GPS device or app can also provide you with additional information, such as the number of steps you take, the calories you burn, and your heart rate. Some apps even allow you to set goals and track your progress over time.

There are different methods you can use to calculate walking time. Whether you prefer to use a calculator or a GPS device, knowing how long it will take you to walk 3km can help you plan your walking route and stay motivated to achieve your fitness goals.

How Long Does it Take to Walk 3km Summary

On average, it takes about 30-45 minutes to walk 3km at a moderate pace. This means that you are walking at a speed of around 4-5 km/hour. However, if you are walking on a hilly terrain or in extreme weather conditions, it may take longer to complete the distance.

If you are looking to increase your walking speed and complete 3km in a shorter amount of time, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure that you are wearing comfortable and supportive shoes that fit well.

Second, try to maintain good posture and keep your arms swinging naturally at your sides. Finally, make sure that you are walking with a purpose and maintaining a steady pace.

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