Calories Burned Walking 2 km (By Weight & Speed)

Walking is one of the easiest and most effective exercises you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is a low-impact exercise that can be done anywhere and at any time without any special equipment. Walking 2 km is a great way to start your fitness journey, and it can help you burn calories and improve your overall health.

When you walk 2 km, you can burn up to 100-150 calories, depending on your weight and walking speed. Walking at a brisk pace can help you burn more calories, and you can increase your speed gradually as your fitness level improves.

Calories Burned Walking 2 km at a Slow Pace (3.2 kph)

Calories Burned Walking 2 km Slow Pace
Body Weight Calories Burned 
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)
140 lbs63 kg82
150 lbs68 kg86
160 lbs72 kg92
170 lbs77 kg96
180 lbs 81 kg102
190 lbs86 kg106
200 lbs81 kg112
210 lbs95 kg118
220 lbs99 kg124
230 lbs104 kg128
240 lbs108 kg134
250 lbs113 kg140
260 lbs117 kg146

Calories Burned Walking 2 km at a Moderate Pace (4 kph)

Calories Burned Walking 2 km Moderate Pace
Body Weight Calories Burned 
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)
140 lbs63 kg90
150 lbs68 kg94
160 lbs72 kg98
170 lbs77 kg104
180 lbs 81 kg110
190 lbs86 kg116
200 lbs81 kg122
210 lbs95 kg128
220 lbs99 kg134
230 lbs104 kg140
240 lbs108 kg146
250 lbs113 kg152
260 lbs117 kg158

Calories Burned Walking 2 km at a Fast Pace (6.2 kph)

Calories Burned Walking 2 km Fast Pace
Body Weight Calories Burned 
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)
140 lbs63 kg104
150 lbs68 kg112
160 lbs72 kg118
170 lbs77 kg122
180 lbs 81 kg124
190 lbs86 kg130
200 lbs81 kg136
210 lbs95 kg144
220 lbs99 kg150
230 lbs104 kg156
240 lbs108 kg164
250 lbs113 kg170
260 lbs117 kg178

Understanding Calories Burned Walking 2 km

When it comes to walking, you might be wondering how many calories you’re burning. After all, walking is a great way to get some exercise and stay healthy. Understanding how many calories you’re burning can help you set goals and track your progress.

Calories are a measure of energy, and your body burns calories when you’re active. When you walk, you burn calories to power your muscles and keep your body moving. The number of calories you burn depends on a few factors, including your weight, the distance you walk, and your walking speed.

As you can see, the more you weigh and the faster you walk, the more calories you’ll burn. However, it’s important to note that these are just estimates and can vary from person to person.

To calculate your own calorie burn, you can use a calorie calculator or a fitness tracker that tracks your steps and activity. You can also estimate your calorie burn by multiplying your weight in pounds by 0.53 for a 2 mph walk, 0.75 for a 3 mph walk, and 1.05 for a 4 mph walk.

Keep in mind that the number of calories you burn per minute decreases as your walking speed decreases. So, if you’re looking to burn more calories, try increasing your walking speed or adding some hills to your route.

In conclusion, understanding how many calories you’re burning while walking can help you stay motivated and reach your fitness goals. By keeping track of your calorie burn and making small changes to your routine, you can make the most of your walking workouts.

Factors Influencing Calories Burned When Walking

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help you burn calories and improve your overall health. The number of calories burned while walking 2 km depends on several factors, including weight and body mass, age and sex, height and body fat, walking speed and pace, terrain and incline.

Weight and Body Mass of the Walker

Your body weight and body mass index (BMI) can have a significant impact on the number of calories you burn while walking. Heavier individuals will burn more calories than lighter individuals because they have to work harder to move their bodies.

Walkers Age and Sex

Age and sex can also affect the number of calories burned while walking. Generally, younger individuals and men burn more calories than older individuals and women because they tend to have more muscle mass.

Height and Body Fat of the Walker

Height and body fat percentage can also play a role in the number of calories burned while walking. Taller individuals tend to burn more calories because they have a larger surface area. Individuals with a higher body fat percentage may burn fewer calories because fat is less metabolically active than muscle.

Walking Speed and Pace

The speed and pace at which you walk can also impact the number of calories burned. Walking at a brisk pace will burn more calories than walking at a slow pace. Walking at a moderate pace is a good compromise between burning calories and not getting too tired.

Terrain and Incline of the Walk

Walking on a flat surface will burn fewer calories than walking uphill or on an incline. Walking uphill requires more energy and will burn more calories than walking on a flat surface. Walking downhill requires less energy and will burn fewer calories.

In conclusion, the number of calories burned while walking 2 km depends on several factors, including weight and body mass, age and sex, height and body fat, walking speed and pace, terrain and incline. By considering these factors, you can maximize the number of calories you burn while walking and achieve your fitness goals.

Can you Lose Weight Walking 2 km Every day

Walking 2 km every day can be a great way to start your weight loss journey. However, it’s important to understand that losing weight is not just about how much you walk, but also about your overall diet and lifestyle.

Walking 2 km every day can help you burn approximately 150-200 calories, depending on your weight and walking speed. This means that if you walk 2 km every day for a week, you can burn around 1050-1400 calories in total.

To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means you need to burn more calories than you consume. Walking 2 km every day can certainly contribute to this calorie deficit, but it’s important to also focus on your diet and make healthy choices.

In addition to burning calories, walking can also have other benefits for weight loss, such as reducing stress and improving sleep, which can help you make better food choices and stick to your weight loss goals.

Overall, walking 2 km every day can be a great addition to your weight loss plan, but it should be combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle for best results.

Calculating Calories Burned Walking 2 km

When it comes to walking, it’s essential to know the number of calories you burn to keep track of your progress. Here are three ways you can calculate the number of calories burned walking 2 km.

Using a Calorie Calculator

One of the easiest ways to calculate your calories burned is by using a calorie calculator. You can find many free online tools that will help you determine the number of calories burned based on your weight and the distance covered.

Calorie calculators use the MET (metabolic equivalent) value to determine the number of calories burned during physical activity. The MET value is a measure of the energy cost of physical activity and is based on the oxygen consumption during the activity.

Using a calorie calculator is a quick and easy way to determine the calories burned walking 2 km. However, keep in mind that these calculators are not always 100% accurate.

Using a Fitness Tracker

Another way to determine the number of calories burned is by using a fitness tracker. Fitness trackers can provide more accurate data than calorie calculators because they track your heart rate and other metrics.

Most fitness trackers come with an app that allows you to input your weight and the distance you walked. The app then calculates the calories burned based on your heart rate and other data.

Fitness trackers are a great way to monitor your progress and keep track of your fitness goals. However, keep in mind that not all fitness trackers are created equal, and the accuracy of the data can vary.

Using a Walking Pedometer

A pedometer is a device that counts the number of steps you take. You can use a pedometer to estimate the number of calories burned by multiplying the number of steps by a factor based on your weight.

The formula for calculating calories burned using a pedometer is:

Calories burned = (Number of steps x Stride length x Body weight) / 1000

Using a pedometer is a cost-effective way to track your progress and estimate the number of calories burned. However, keep in mind that the accuracy of the data depends on the accuracy of the pedometer and your stride length.

In conclusion, there are various ways to calculate the number of calories burned walking 2 km. Whether you use a calorie calculator, fitness tracker, or pedometer, it’s essential to track your progress and stay motivated to reach your fitness goals.

Setting a 2km Walking Goal for Calorie Burn

If you want to burn calories by walking 2 km, setting goals is a great way to stay motivated and track your progress. Here are a few tips on how to set goals for calorie burn:

  1. Define your goal: What’s your target? Is it to lose weight, maintain your current weight, or improve your fitness level? Once you know your goal, you can set a specific target for calorie burn.
  2. Determine your weight: Your weight affects how many calories you burn while walking. The heavier you are, the more calories you’ll burn. Use a scale to weigh yourself before starting your walking routine.
  3. Calculate your calorie burn: Use an online calculator to determine how many calories you’ll burn while walking 2 km. This will vary depending on your weight, walking speed, and other factors.
  4. Set a realistic duration: Walking 2 km may take anywhere from 20-30 minutes depending on your speed. Set a duration that works for you and your schedule. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.
  5. Track your step count: Walking 2 km is roughly equivalent to taking 2,500-3,000 steps. Use a pedometer or fitness tracker to keep track of your step count and set a daily target of 10,000 steps.
  6. Plan your exercise session: Plan your walking routine in advance. Decide on a time and place to walk, and make sure you have comfortable shoes and clothing. Consider walking with a friend or listening to music to make the exercise more enjoyable.

By setting goals for calorie burn, you can stay motivated and track your progress. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase your intensity over time. With dedication and consistency, you can achieve your fitness goals and burn calories by walking 2 km.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many calories does a 2km walk burn?

Walking 2km can burn approximately 100-150 calories, depending on various factors such as your weight, speed, and terrain. However, this number can vary from person to person, so it’s best to use a calorie calculator to get a more accurate estimate of the calories burned during your walk.

Is walking 2km everyday enough?

Walking 2km every day is a great way to stay active and improve your overall health. However, it may not be enough for everyone. The amount of physical activity needed depends on your fitness goals, age, and overall health. If you’re looking to lose weight or improve your cardiovascular health, you may need to increase the intensity or duration of your walks.

What are the benefits of a 2 km walk daily?

Walking 2km daily can provide a range of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength and endurance, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, walking is a low-impact form of exercise that is easy on the joints and can be done by people of all ages and fitness levels.

Remember to wear comfortable shoes and clothing, stay hydrated, and listen to your body during your walks. If you have any health concerns or medical conditions, consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.

Calories Burned Walking 2 km Summary

If you’re looking to burn calories and get some exercise in, walking 2 km is a great option. Walking is a low-impact exercise that is easy on your joints and can be done just about anywhere.

Walking 2 km at a moderate pace can burn approximately 140-200 calories, depending on your weight and speed. If you increase your speed to a brisk pace, you can burn even more calories.

Walking is also a great way to improve your cardiovascular health, boost your mood, and reduce stress. It’s a simple and accessible exercise that can be done alone or with friends and family.

To get the most out of your 2 km walk, make sure to wear comfortable shoes and clothing, stay hydrated, and stretch before and after your walk. You can also try incorporating hills or stairs into your route to increase the intensity of your workout.

Overall, walking 2 km is a great way to burn calories and improve your overall health and wellbeing. So why not grab your sneakers and head out for a walk today?

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