Calories Burned Walking 10 km (Weight & Speed Chart)

If you’re looking for a way to get some exercise and burn off some calories, walking is a great option. Walking is a low-impact activity that can be done almost anywhere, and it’s a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories. One way to challenge yourself while walking is to set a distance goal, such as walking 10 kilometers (6.2 miles).

On average, walking burns about 100 calories per mile. Given that 10km is approximately 6.2 miles, you can expect to burn around 620 calories for the entire distance. The actual number can vary depending on your weight, walking speed, and overall fitness level.

Calories Burned Walking 10 km at a Slow Pace (3.2 kph)

Calories Burned Walking 10 km Slow Pace
Body Weight 
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)Calories Burned 
140 lbs63 kg410
150 lbs68 kg430
160 lbs72 kg460
170 lbs77 kg480
180 lbs 81 kg510
190 lbs86 kg530
200 lbs81 kg560
210 lbs95 kg590
220 lbs99 kg620
230 lbs104 kg640
240 lbs108 kg670
250 lbs113 kg700
260 lbs117 kg730

Calories Burned Walking 10 km at a Moderate Pace (4 kph)

Calories Burned Walking 10 km Moderate Pace
Body Weight 
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)Calories Burned 
140 lbs63 kg450
150 lbs68 kg470
160 lbs72 kg490
170 lbs77 kg520
180 lbs 81 kg550
190 lbs86 kg580
200 lbs81 kg610
210 lbs95 kg640
220 lbs99 kg670
230 lbs104 kg700
240 lbs108 kg730
250 lbs113 kg760
260 lbs117 kg790

Calories Burned Walking 10 km at a Fast Pace (6.2 kph)

Calories Burned Walking 10 km Fast Pace
Body Weight 
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)Calories Burned 
140 lbs63 kg520
150 lbs68 kg560
160 lbs72 kg590
170 lbs77 kg610
180 lbs 81 kg620
190 lbs86 kg650
200 lbs81 kg680
210 lbs95 kg720
220 lbs99 kg750
230 lbs104 kg780
240 lbs108 kg820
250 lbs113 kg850
260 lbs117 kg890

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Understanding Calories Burned

When you walk 10km, you burn a significant amount of calories. The number of calories burned depends on various factors such as your weight, speed, and terrain. Understanding how calories are burned can help you optimize your walking routine to achieve your fitness goals.

Calories Burned

Calories burned refer to the amount of energy your body uses during physical activity. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn. Walking 10km at a moderate pace can burn between 400-600 calories depending on your weight and other factors.


MET (Metabolic Equivalent of a Task) is a measure of the energy cost of physical activity. It is the ratio of the metabolic rate during a specific activity to the metabolic rate at rest. Walking at a moderate pace has a MET value of 3.5, which means you burn 3.5 times more calories than when you’re at rest.

Energy Expenditure

Energy expenditure refers to the total amount of energy your body uses throughout the day, including during physical activity. Walking 10km can significantly increase your energy expenditure and help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Metabolic Rate

Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories to maintain its functions. Walking 10km can increase your metabolic rate, which means you burn more calories even when you’re at rest.

Energy Cost

Energy cost refers to the amount of energy your body uses to perform a specific activity. Walking 10km has a higher energy cost than walking shorter distances, which means you burn more calories.

Metabolic Equivalent of a Task (MET)

MET is a measure of the energy cost of physical activity. Walking 10km has a MET value of 3.5, which means you burn 3.5 times more calories than when you’re at rest.

Walking 10km is an excellent way to burn calories and improve your overall fitness. By understanding how calories are burned, you can optimize your walking routine to achieve your fitness goals.

The Impact of Walking on Calorie Burn

Walking Vs. Running

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help you burn calories and improve your overall health. While running burns more calories per minute than walking, walking is a more sustainable exercise that can be done for longer periods of time. Walking can also be a great way to warm up or cool down after a more intense workout.

Walking Uphill and on Different Terrains

Walking uphill or on different terrains can increase the number of calories you burn. When you walk uphill, you use more energy to lift your body weight against gravity, which increases your calorie burn. Walking on different terrains, such as sand or snow, can also increase your calorie burn because your body has to work harder to maintain balance and stability.

Walking with a Backpack

Walking with a backpack can increase the intensity of your workout and help you burn more calories. The extra weight of the backpack can increase the amount of energy your body has to use to move, which can increase your calorie burn. However, it is important to make sure that your backpack is not too heavy and that you are carrying it properly to avoid injury.

Overall, walking is a great form of physical activity that can help you burn calories and improve your health. Whether you are walking uphill, on different terrains, or with a backpack, you can increase the intensity of your workout and burn more calories. By increasing your walking speed, stride length, or distance, you can also increase your calorie burn and improve your fitness level.

Factors Affecting Calories Burned in Walking

When it comes to burning calories while walking, there are several factors that can affect the amount of energy you expend. Here are some of the main factors that can influence the number of calories you burn while walking 10km:

Weight and Body Mass

Your weight and body mass play a significant role in the number of calories you burn while walking. Generally, the more you weigh, the more calories you will burn while walking. This is because it takes more energy to move a heavier body. To give you an idea, a 160-pound person burns around 500 calories while walking 10km, while a 200-pound person burns around 625 calories.

Sex and Age

Sex and age can also affect the number of calories you burn while walking. Men generally burn more calories than women because they have more muscle mass. Age can also play a role, as older people tend to burn fewer calories than younger people due to a slower metabolism. However, these differences are usually small and shouldn’t be a major concern.

Fitness Level and Heart Rate

Your fitness level and heart rate can also affect the number of calories you burn while walking. The fitter you are, the more efficiently your body uses energy, so you may burn fewer calories than someone who is less fit. However, if you push yourself harder and increase your heart rate, you can burn more calories. To maximize calorie burn, aim to walk at a brisk pace that raises your heart rate.

To summarize, the main factors that affect the number of calories you burn while walking 10km include your weight and body mass, sex and age, and fitness level and heart rate. By being aware of these factors, you can optimize your walking routine to burn the most calories possible.

Measuring Calories Burned While Walking

Walking is a fantastic way to burn calories and improve your overall health. But how do you know how many calories you’re actually burning during your walks? There are a few different methods you can use to measure your calorie burn, including using a calorie calculator or a fitness tracker.

Using a Calorie Calculator

One of the easiest ways to measure your calorie burn while walking is to use a calorie calculator. These calculators take into account factors like your weight, height, and age, as well as the distance and speed of your walk, to give you an estimate of how many calories you’re burning.

There are many different calorie calculators available online, and most of them are free to use. Some popular options include the MyFitnessPal Calorie Calculator, the HealthStatus Calorie Calculator, and the Calorie Calculator.

To use a calorie calculator, simply enter your information and the details of your walk, and the calculator will give you an estimate of how many calories you burned. Keep in mind that these calculators are just estimates, and your actual calorie burn may vary depending on factors like your metabolism and the terrain of your walk.

Using a Fitness Tracker

Another popular method for measuring your calorie burn while walking is to use a fitness tracker. These devices, like Fitbit and Garmin, track your steps and movement throughout the day, and can give you an estimate of how many calories you’re burning during your walks.

Most fitness trackers come with accompanying apps that allow you to track your progress and see detailed information about your walks, including your step count, distance, and calorie burn. Some popular fitness tracker apps include Fitbit, Garmin Connect, and Apple Health.

To use a fitness tracker to measure your calorie burn while walking, simply wear the device while you walk and sync it with the accompanying app. The app will give you a detailed breakdown of your walk, including your calorie burn and other important metrics.

Overall, whether you choose to use a calorie calculator or a fitness tracker, measuring your calorie burn while walking can be a great way to stay motivated and track your progress. Just remember to use these tools as estimates, and to listen to your body and adjust your walking routine as needed to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Benefits of Walking

Walking is a simple yet effective way to improve your overall health and well-being. Here are some of the benefits of walking:

Health Benefits

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, and improve your cardiovascular health. It can also help you build endurance and improve your overall fitness level.

Joint and Muscle Health

Walking is a great way to keep your joints and muscles healthy. It can help improve your balance and flexibility, reduce your risk of injury, and strengthen your core muscles.

Mental Health

Walking can also have a positive impact on your mental health. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve your mood and overall sense of well-being.


Walking is a simple and convenient activity that can be done almost anywhere, anytime. You don’t need any special equipment or training to get started, and it can be a great way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

Nutrition and Body Fat

Walking can also help you maintain a healthy diet and body fat percentage. It can help regulate your appetite and cravings, and burn calories to help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

In summary, walking is a simple and effective way to improve your physical and mental health. By incorporating walking into your daily routine, you can reap the benefits of this low-impact exercise and improve your overall well-being.

Walking for Weight Loss

Walking is an excellent way to burn calories and lose weight. It is a low-impact exercise that is easy on your joints, making it a great option for people of all ages and fitness levels. Here are some tips to help you use walking to achieve your weight loss goals.

Setting Walking Goals

Setting goals is an essential part of any successful walking program. When you set goals, you give yourself something to work towards, which can help keep you motivated. Start by setting realistic goals that are achievable. For example, you might aim to walk 10,000 steps per day or to walk for 30 minutes three times a week.

Increasing Walking Intensity

If you want to burn more calories and lose weight faster, you will need to increase the intensity of your walking. One way to do this is to incorporate intervals into your walking routine. This means alternating between periods of fast walking and slower walking. You can also try walking up hills or stairs to increase the intensity of your workout.

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

While walking can help you burn calories and lose weight, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet to achieve your weight loss goals. Eating a diet that is high in protein and fiber can help you feel full and satisfied, which can prevent overeating. It is also important to avoid sugary drinks and processed foods, which can lead to weight gain.

In summary, walking is an effective way to burn calories and lose weight. By setting goals, increasing the intensity of your walking, and maintaining a balanced diet, you can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health.

Walking Vs. Other Physical Activities

When it comes to physical activities, walking is one of the most popular and accessible options. However, how does it compare to other activities in terms of calorie burn and overall benefits? Let’s take a closer look at how walking stacks up against jogging, cycling, and treadmill workouts.

Walking Vs. Jogging

Jogging is a more intense form of exercise than walking, which means it burns more calories per minute. However, jogging can also be harder on your joints and muscles, especially if you’re not used to the impact. Here’s a comparison of the calorie burn for a 150-pound person walking and jogging for 1 hour:

  • Walking at a moderate pace (3.5 mph): 267 calories burned
  • Jogging at a moderate pace (5 mph): 606 calories burned

As you can see, jogging burns over twice as many calories as walking. However, if you’re new to exercise or have joint pain, walking may be a better option for you.

Walking Vs. Cycling

Cycling is another low-impact exercise that can be a great alternative to walking. It’s especially good for working your lower body, including your glutes, quads, and calves. Here’s a comparison of the calorie burn for a 150-pound person walking and cycling for 1 hour:

  • Walking at a moderate pace (3.5 mph): 267 calories burned
  • Cycling at a moderate pace (12-14 mph): 454 calories burned

While cycling burns fewer calories per minute than jogging, it’s still a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some extra calories. Plus, it’s a fun way to explore your local area!

Walking Vs. Treadmill

If you’re looking for a way to walk indoors, a treadmill can be a great option. It allows you to control your speed and incline, which can make your workout more challenging. However, walking on a treadmill burns about the same number of calories as walking outdoors. Here’s a comparison of the calorie burn for a 150-pound person walking on a treadmill and outdoors for 1 hour:

  • Walking on a treadmill at a moderate pace (3.5 mph): 267 calories burned
  • Walking outdoors at a moderate pace (3.5 mph): 267 calories burned

While walking on a treadmill can be convenient, it’s important to make sure you’re using proper form and not relying on the handrails for support.

Overall, walking is a great form of exercise that can be done almost anywhere. While it may not burn as many calories per minute as jogging or cycling, it’s still an effective way to improve your health and fitness.

Long-Term Impact of Walking

Walking 10km on a regular basis can have a positive impact on your long-term health and well-being. Here are some of the benefits you can expect:

  • Weight loss: Walking 10km can burn a significant amount of calories, which can help you lose weight over time. By burning an extra 500 calories per day through walking, you can lose up to 1 pound per week.
  • Health benefits: Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help improve your overall health. It can help lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, and improve your cholesterol levels.
  • Mental health: Walking can have a positive impact on your mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. It can also help improve your mood and boost your self-esteem.
  • Physical health: Walking can help improve your physical health by strengthening your muscles and bones. It can also help improve your balance and coordination.
  • Cardiovascular health: Walking is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and improving your circulation.
  • Psychological well-being: Walking can help improve your psychological well-being by providing a sense of accomplishment and boosting your confidence.
  • Simplicity: Walking is a simple and easy way to get exercise. You don’t need any special equipment or a gym membership to get started.
  • Endurance: By walking 10km on a regular basis, you can improve your endurance and stamina over time.
  • 10,000 steps: Walking 10km is equivalent to taking around 13,000 steps, which is a common goal for many people who use fitness trackers to monitor their activity levels.

Overall, walking 10km can have a significant impact on your long-term health and well-being. By making it a regular part of your routine, you can enjoy the many benefits it has to offer.


Walking 10km is a great way to burn calories and improve your overall health. By walking at a moderate pace, you can burn a significant number of calories without putting too much strain on your body.

Based on our calculations, walking 10km at a moderate pace of 5 km/h can burn around 400-500 calories for an average person. However, this number can vary depending on various factors such as age, weight, gender, and fitness level.

It is important to note that walking alone may not be enough to achieve significant weight loss or improve overall health. A combination of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle is necessary for long-term health benefits.

If you are looking to burn more calories while walking, you can increase your speed or walk on an incline. This will help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time.

In conclusion, walking 10km is a great way to burn calories and improve your health. By incorporating it into your daily routine, you can achieve significant health benefits and lead a healthier lifestyle.

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