Calories Burned Walking 1 km (By Weight & Speed)

Are you curious about how many calories you burn when walking 1 km? Walking is a great way to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it’s important to understand how many calories you’re burning during your walks. The amount of calories burned while walking 1 km can vary depending on a variety of factors, including your weight, speed, and terrain.

On average, a person who weighs 150 pounds will burn approximately 70-85 calories when walking 1 km at a moderate pace of 3-4 miles per hour. If you weigh more, you’ll burn more calories, and if you weigh less, you’ll burn fewer calories. Walking on a flat surface will also burn fewer calories than walking uphill or on an incline.

Understanding how many calories you’re burning during your walks can help you make informed decisions about your exercise routine and overall health.

Calories Burned Walking 1 km at a Slow Pace (3.2kph)

Calories Burned Walking 1 km Slow Pace
Body Weight Calories Burned
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)
140 lbs82 kg41
150 lbs86 kg43
160 lbs92 kg46
170 lbs96 kg48
180 lbs102 kg51
190 lbs106 kg53
200 lbs 112 kg56
210 lbs118 kg59
220 lbs124 kg62
230 lbs128 kg64
240 lbs134 kg67
250 lbs140 kg70
260 lbs146 kg73

Calories Burned Walking 1 km at a Moderate Pace (4.0 kph)

Calories Burned Walking 1 km Mederate Pace
Body Weight Calories Burned
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)
140 lbs90 kg45
150 lbs94 kg47
160 lbs98 kg49
170 lbs104 kg52
180 lbs110 kg55
190 lbs116 kg58
200 lbs122 kg61
210 lbs128 kg64
220 lbs134 kg67
230 lbs140 kg70
240 lbs146 kg73
250 lbs152 kg76
260 lbs158 kg79

Calories Burned Walking 1 km at a Fast Pace (6.4 kph)

Calories Burned Walking 1 km Fast Pace
Body Weight Calories Burned
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kg)
140 lbs104 kg52
150 lbs112 kg56
160 lbs118 kg59
170 lbs122 kg61
180 lbs124 kg62
190 lbs130 kg65
200 lbs136 kg68
210 lbs144 kg72
220 lbs150 kg75
230 lbs156 kg78
240 lbs164 kg82
250 lbs170 kg85
260 lbs178 kg89

Understanding Calories Burned While Walking 1km

Walking is a great way to burn calories and stay active. But how many calories do you actually burn when you walk 1 km? The answer depends on several factors, such as your weight, walking speed, and terrain.

To calculate the number of calories burned while walking, you need to know your metabolic rate, which is the rate at which your body burns calories. This rate is affected by your age, weight, and gender. On average, a person burns around 50-70 calories per km walked, but this can vary significantly depending on the individual.

Walking speed is another important factor. The faster you walk, the more calories you burn. For example, a person who weighs 70 kg and walks at a speed of 5 km/h will burn around 60 calories per km, while a person who walks at a speed of 7 km/h will burn around 90 calories per km.

The terrain you’re walking on also plays a role. Walking uphill burns more calories than walking on a flat surface, while walking downhill burns fewer calories. This is because walking uphill requires more effort and energy expenditure.

It’s important to note that walking is not only a great way to burn calories, but it also has many other health benefits. Regular walking can help improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and boost mental wellbeing.

In conclusion, walking 1 km can burn around 50-70 calories, but this can vary depending on your weight, walking speed, and terrain. Walking is a great form of exercise that can help you stay active and healthy, so grab your walking shoes and start moving!

Influence of Weight and Age on Calorie Burn Walking

When it comes to walking, the number of calories you burn depends on various factors, including your weight and age. Here’s how these factors can influence the number of calories you burn when walking 1 km:

Body Weight of the Walker

Your body weight is a significant factor that determines the number of calories you burn when walking. The more you weigh, the more energy you need to move your body, resulting in a higher calorie burn.

For instance, a person who weighs 70 kg burns around 55 calories when walking 1 km at a moderate pace of 5 km/h. On the other hand, a person who weighs 90 kg burns around 70 calories when walking the same distance at the same pace.

Walkers Age

Age is another factor that can affect the number of calories you burn when walking. As you age, your metabolism slows down, resulting in a lower calorie burn. For instance, a 30-year-old woman who weighs 60 kg burns around 48 calories when walking 1 km at a moderate pace of 5 km/h.

However, a 60-year-old woman who weighs the same burns only around 42 calories when walking the same distance at the same pace.

Gender of the Walker

Gender can also play a role in the number of calories you burn when walking. Generally, men tend to burn more calories than women due to their higher muscle mass and testosterone levels. For instance, a 40-year-old man who weighs 80 kg burns around 64 calories when walking 1 km at a moderate pace of 5 km/h.

However, a woman of the same age and weight burns only around 52 calories when walking the same distance at the same pace.

Your weight, age, and gender can all influence the number of calories you burn when walking. However, keep in mind that these factors are just some of the many that can affect your calorie burn, and the numbers provided are just estimates.

Role of Walking Distance and Time

When it comes to burning calories while walking, the distance you cover and the time you take to cover it are two important factors to consider. Walking at a moderate pace can help you burn calories and improve your overall health.

Let’s say you walk 1 km at a moderate pace, which takes you around 10-12 minutes. Depending on your weight, walking speed, and age, you can burn anywhere from 30 to 75 calories. The more distance you cover, the more calories you burn.

However, it’s not just about distance. The time you take to cover that distance also plays a role. Walking faster and completing the same distance in less time can help you burn more calories.

For example, if you walk 1 km in 8 minutes instead of 10 minutes, you can burn up to 90 calories. Similarly, if you walk 1 km in 15 minutes, you may only burn around 25-30 calories.

It’s important to note that walking speed and calorie burn are not always directly proportional. Walking too fast or too slow can affect your calorie burn rate. It’s best to find a comfortable pace that allows you to cover more distance in less time without overexerting yourself.

In summary, the distance you cover and the time you take to cover it are both important factors that determine how many calories you burn while walking. Walking at a moderate pace for a longer distance can help you burn more calories, but increasing your walking speed can also help you burn more calories in less time.

Impact of Walking Speed and Intensity

The number of calories you burn while walking 1 km depends on various factors, including your walking speed and intensity. Walking at a brisk pace or a faster speed can help you burn more calories per km compared to walking at a slower pace.

Walking at a brisk pace or a speed of 3.5 to 4 miles per hour can help you burn around 55 to 65 calories per km. However, if you increase your walking speed to around 4.5 to 5 miles per hour, you can burn up to 80 to 90 calories per km.

Moreover, the intensity of your walking also plays a significant role in the number of calories burned. Walking at a brisk pace or a moderate intensity level can help you burn more calories than walking at a leisurely pace or a low-intensity level.

If you want to burn more calories per km, you can try walking at a brisk pace or a faster speed. However, it is important to note that walking too fast or at a high-intensity level can also increase the risk of injury or fatigue.

In summary, walking at a brisk pace or a faster speed can help you burn more calories per km compared to walking at a slower pace. Additionally, walking at a moderate intensity level can also help you burn more calories than walking at a low-intensity level.

Using a Walking Calculators for Estimation

Calculators are a convenient way to estimate how many calories you burn while walking 1 km. There are various online calculators available that can help you determine the approximate number of calories you burn based on your weight, walking speed, and distance covered.

To use a calorie calculator, you need to enter the following information:

  • Your weight in kilograms or pounds
  • The distance you walked in kilometers or miles
  • The time you took to complete the walk in minutes or hours
  • Your walking speed in kilometers or miles per hour

Once you enter this information, the calculator will estimate the number of calories you burned during your walk. It’s important to note that these calculators are only an estimation and may not be entirely accurate.

Some calculators may also ask for additional information such as your age, gender, and fitness level to provide a more accurate estimate. Keep in mind that these calculators are not a substitute for professional advice and should be used as a general guide only.

It’s also important to remember that the number of calories you burn while walking depends on various factors such as your weight, walking speed, terrain, and weather conditions. Walking uphill or on rough terrain requires more energy and burns more calories than walking on a flat surface.

In conclusion, using a calorie calculator is a useful tool to estimate how many calories you burn while walking 1 km. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these calculators are only an estimation and may not be entirely accurate.

Effect of Walking 1 km on Physical Activity Level

Your physical activity level plays a significant role in determining the number of calories you burn while walking 1 km. Physical activity refers to any movement that requires energy expenditure, such as walking, running, cycling, or swimming. The more active you are, the more calories you burn.

The energy expenditure of physical activity is measured in metabolic equivalents (METs). One MET is defined as the energy expended at rest, which equals 3.5 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min). The higher the MET value, the more energy you expend, and the more calories you burn.

Your fitness level and exercise intensity also affect the number of calories you burn while walking 1 km. Fitness level refers to your overall physical condition, including your cardiovascular and muscular endurance, strength, and flexibility. The fitter you are, the more efficient your body is at using oxygen and burning calories.

Exercise intensity refers to the level of effort required to perform an activity. Walking at a moderate pace of 3.5 to 4 mph (5.6 to 6.4 km/h) corresponds to an intensity of 3 to 6 METs, depending on your body weight and fitness level. Walking at a brisk pace of 4.5 to 5 mph (7.2 to 8 km/h) corresponds to an intensity of 6 to 8 METs.

Here is a table that shows the approximate number of calories burned per kilogram of body weight per hour for different physical activities at different levels of intensity:

Physical ActivityLow Intensity (METs 1.5-2.5)Moderate Intensity (METs 3-6)Vigorous Intensity (METs 6-8)
Walking (3.5 mph)
Walking (4.5 mph)
Running (6 mph)9.811.814.5
Cycling (10 mph)
Swimming (freestyle)

Remember that these values are approximate and may vary depending on your body weight, fitness level, and other factors. However, they can give you a general idea of how many calories you burn while walking 1 km at different levels of intensity and physical activity.

Walking 1 km Uphill vs. Level Surface

Walking uphill is a great way to burn more calories than walking on a level surface. When you walk uphill, you have to work against gravity, which requires more energy and burns more calories. On the other hand, walking on a level surface requires less energy and burns fewer calories.

The number of calories you burn while walking uphill depends on the incline of the slope. The steeper the slope, the more calories you will burn. For example, walking uphill on a 10% slope burns about 50% more calories than walking on a level surface.

Walking on a level surface is still a great way to burn calories, especially if you walk at a brisk pace. Walking at a brisk pace on a level surface burns about 100 calories per kilometer for an average person.

However, if you want to burn more calories while walking on a level surface, you can try incorporating some inclines into your route. Walking up and down hills or stairs can help you burn more calories and improve your cardiovascular health.

In summary, walking uphill burns more calories than walking on a level surface, but walking on a level surface can still be a great way to burn calories if you walk at a brisk pace or incorporate inclines into your route.

Tracking 1km Walking Calories Burned with Fitness Apps and Devices

If you want to track how many calories you burn while walking 1 km, fitness apps and devices can be very helpful. These tools use sensors to measure your steps, distance, and other metrics to calculate your calorie burn.

One popular option is a pedometer, which is a small device that clips onto your clothing and counts your steps. Some smartphones also have built-in pedometers that can track your steps. However, these devices may not be as accurate as other fitness trackers.

Fitness apps are another option for tracking your calorie burn. Many of these apps use GPS to track your distance and speed, which can give you a more accurate estimate of your calorie burn. Some popular fitness apps include MyFitnessPal, MapMyFitness, and RunKeeper.

If you want even more detailed information about your calorie burn, you can invest in a fitness tracker. These devices often include heart rate monitors and other sensors that can provide more accurate data about your activity. Some popular fitness trackers include Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple Watch.

No matter which tool you choose, it’s important to remember that calorie burn is just an estimate. Factors like your age, weight, and fitness level can all affect how many calories you burn while walking 1 km. However, using a fitness app or device can still be a useful way to track your progress and stay motivated.

Comparison with Other Exercises

When it comes to burning calories, walking is not the only exercise you can do. There are many other physical activities that can help you burn calories and improve your overall health. Here’s how walking 1 km compares to other exercises in terms of calorie burn:

  • Running: Running burns more calories than walking. On average, you can burn 100 calories per km of running, which is twice as much as walking.
  • Jogging: Jogging is similar to running in terms of calorie burn. You can burn around 100 calories per km of jogging.
  • Hiking: Hiking is a great way to burn calories and enjoy nature. Depending on the terrain and your pace, you can burn around 80-100 calories per km of hiking.
  • Nordic walking: Nordic walking is a type of walking that involves using poles to engage your upper body muscles. It can help you burn up to 40% more calories than regular walking.
  • Jumping rope: Jumping rope is a high-intensity exercise that can help you burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. You can burn around 150-200 calories in just 10 minutes of jumping rope.
  • Swimming: Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health. Depending on your stroke and intensity, you can burn around 70-100 calories per km of swimming.

Overall, walking is a great way to burn calories and improve your health, but there are many other exercises that can help you achieve your fitness goals. It’s important to find an exercise that you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle, so you can stick to it in the long run.

Can Walking 1km Help Weight Loss

Walking is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. If you are looking to lose weight, walking can be an effective tool to help you achieve your goals. Here are some implications for weight loss when it comes to walking 1 km:

  • Calories burned: Walking 1 km burns approximately 50-60 calories, depending on your weight and walking speed. This means that if you walk 5 km per day, you could burn up to 300 calories.
  • Weight loss: In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than you consume. Walking can help you create this calorie deficit and lose weight.
  • Calories per mile: If you prefer to measure your walks in miles, walking 1 mile burns approximately 80-100 calories, depending on your weight and walking speed.
  • Calories per minute: Walking at a moderate pace of 3-4 mph burns approximately 3-4 calories per minute. This means that if you walk for 30 minutes, you could burn up to 120 calories.
  • Calories burned walking: The number of calories you burn while walking depends on your weight, walking speed, and the distance you walk. The more you weigh and the faster you walk, the more calories you will burn.

In conclusion, walking 1 km can help you burn calories and lose weight. By incorporating walking into your daily routine, you can create a calorie deficit and achieve your weight loss goals. Remember to track your progress and adjust your walking routine as needed to continue to see results.

Health Benefits of Walking 1km Beyond Calorie Burn

Walking is an excellent way to burn calories, but it also offers many other health benefits. Here are some of the ways that walking can improve your overall health:

Joint Health

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help improve joint health. Unlike high-impact exercises like running, walking puts less stress on your joints, making it a great choice for people with joint pain.

Muscle Strength

Walking can help strengthen your leg muscles, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Stronger leg muscles can improve your balance and stability, making it easier to perform daily activities.


Walking regularly can help improve your endurance, allowing you to walk longer distances without getting tired. This can be especially helpful for older adults or people with chronic health conditions.

Heart Health

Walking is a great way to improve your heart health. It can help lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease, and improve your overall cardiovascular fitness.

Benefits of Walking

In addition to the physical benefits, walking can also improve your mental health. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and boost your self-esteem.

Healthcare Provider

Before starting a walking program, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. They can help you determine the best type of exercise for your needs and provide guidance on how to get started.

Metabolism and Diabetes

Walking can also help improve your metabolism and reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise can help improve your body’s ability to use insulin, which can help regulate your blood sugar levels.

Joint Pain

If you have joint pain, walking can be a great way to stay active without putting too much stress on your joints. Just be sure to wear comfortable, supportive shoes and start slowly to avoid aggravating your pain.

Overall, walking is a simple, effective way to improve your health and wellbeing. By incorporating regular walks into your routine, you can enjoy all of these benefits and more.

Expert Opinions and Sources

If you are curious about how many calories you burn walking 1 km, you can consult expert opinions and sources to get a better understanding of the topic. Wendy Bumgardner, a certified coach and fitness writer, suggests that the number of calories you burn while walking depends on various factors such as your weight, walking speed, and terrain.

According to Bumgardner, if you weigh 150 pounds and walk at a moderate pace of 3.5 miles per hour, you can burn approximately 100 calories per mile. This means that you can burn around 62 calories walking 1 km. However, if you increase your walking speed or walk uphill, you can burn more calories per mile.

When it comes to sources, you can find various online calculators and apps that can help you estimate the number of calories you burn while walking. Verywell Fit, a health and wellness website, provides a free online calculator that takes into account your weight, walking speed, and distance. The calculator estimates that a 150-pound person walking at a moderate pace of 3.5 miles per hour can burn around 65 calories walking 1 km.

If you want to dig deeper into the topic, you can also look for peer-reviewed studies that investigate the energy expenditure of walking. For example, a study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that walking at a speed of 5 km/hour (3.1 miles/hour) can burn around 65 calories per km for a person weighing 70 kg (154 pounds).

In summary, the number of calories you burn walking 1 km depends on various factors such as your weight, walking speed, and terrain. While estimates can vary, consulting expert opinions and sources can give you a better idea of how many calories you can expect to burn during your walks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average number of calories burned when walking 1 km?

The average number of calories burned when walking 1 km depends on various factors such as your weight, pace, and walking terrain. On average, a person weighing 150 pounds can burn approximately 60-70 calories when walking 1 km.

How long does it take to burn 100 calories by walking 1 km?

It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to burn 100 calories by walking 1 km. However, this can vary depending on your walking pace and weight.

What is the difference in calories burned when walking 1 km at a slow pace versus a fast pace?

Walking at a slow pace burns fewer calories than walking at a fast pace. A person weighing 150 pounds can burn approximately 45-50 calories when walking 1 km at a slow pace, while the same person can burn around 70-75 calories when walking at a fast pace.

How does the number of calories burned when walking 1 km compare to running 1 km?

Running 1 km burns more calories than walking 1 km. A person weighing 150 pounds can burn approximately 100-120 calories when running 1 km, which is almost double the number of calories burned when walking 1 km. However, running is a more intense exercise and requires more effort than walking.

Calories Burned Walking 1km Summary

Walking can be a great way to burn calories and improve your overall health. If you’re wondering how many calories you burn walking 1 km, the answer depends on several factors, including your weight, speed, and terrain.

On average, a person who weighs 70 kg can burn around 50-60 calories by walking 1 km at a moderate pace of 5 km/h. However, if you increase your speed to 6 km/h, you can burn up to 70-80 calories per km.

Walking uphill or on a rough terrain can also increase the number of calories you burn. For instance, walking uphill can increase the calorie burn by 30-50% compared to walking on a flat surface.

It’s important to note that the number of calories you burn while walking can vary depending on your individual factors. For example, if you weigh more than 70 kg, you may burn more calories per km. Similarly, if you walk faster or on a steeper terrain, you may burn more calories.

Overall, walking is a great way to burn calories and improve your health. By tracking your steps and distance, you can monitor your progress and set goals for yourself. Remember to wear comfortable shoes, stay hydrated, and enjoy the benefits of walking!

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